The Lord Jesus Christ

Over eight hundred years ago Bernard of Clairvaux penned the beautiful hymn,

“Jesus the very thought of Thee
With sweetness fills my breast
But sweeter far thy face to see
And in thy presence rest.”

Ever since the Christ child was laid in the manger in Bethlehem believing men and women have found in Him one who is the worthy object of their worship. As the word of God expressed in human form, Jesus Christ has drawn all believing souls to Himself. Although no other person is the subject of more Scriptural revelation, human pens falter when attempting to describe him. Lewis Sperry Chafer, in his introduction to the section on Christology in his systematic theology expresses this same sense of inadequacy. “In attempting to write of His adorable person and His incomprehensible achievements — when completed will have perfected redemption, exercised to infinite satisfaction the divine attribute of grace, manifested the invisible God to His creatures, and subdued a rebellious universe in which sin had been permitted to demonstrate its exceeding sinfulness — the limitations of a finite mind which is weakened by a faulty perception are all too apparent” Thus the difficulty of the task of comprehending the person of Christ in one study is all to obvious. However there are several vital things we must consider about Him.


This issue of the pre-existence of the Lord Jesus as the second person of the Trinity has proved down the ages to be one of the most vexed in church history. It aroused antagonism amongst the Jews when in John 8:58, He claimed to predate Abraham saying, “before Abraham was I am,” and it has been the cause of controversy ever since. Therefore it is of vital importance that we establish this truth of His pre-existence. If the Lord Jesus is not pre-existent then of course he is not eternal, He is not God, and he is a fraud and a liar. However we know that he is eternal, he is God and that He is not a lair. Evidence of His pre-existence is seen in several areas. For example His heavenly origin and His role in creation attest to it, cf. John 1:3; John 3:13 & 31; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:2. His relationship to the Father, His attributes and His own claims as already noted further support His pre-existence, cf. John 17:5; Colossians 12:9.


There is no more unique person in all of History than Christ. There is none like Him, He is the only person who lived before He was born, the only one who was God and at the same time man, no other could have dwelt upon earth and yet be at the same time be present in heaven. At this point we shall now consider the duel aspect of His character.


Jesus Christ is very God of very God and the Bible bears testimony to that fact in several ways.

(i) Proof texts.

There are eight proof texts in the New Testament which call Jesus God, John 1:1&18; Acts 20:28; Romans 9:5; 2 Thessalonians 1:12; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:8; 2 Peter 1:1. In addition to this there are several instances where Christ claims to be God Himself, cf. John 8:58; 10:30-33; Revelation 1:8.

(ii) His possession of Divine attributes.

He is eternal, cf. John 1:1-2.
He is omniscient, cf. John 2:23-25.
He is omnipotent, demonstrated through His manifested power over, disease, demons, and death, not to mention the forces of nature, cf. Matthew Ch’s 8-9.
He is omnipresent, Matthew 18:20; John 3:13.
He is impeccable, Hebrews 7:26.

(iii) His performance of God’s works.
He performs things which are the prerogative of God.
He forgives sins, cf. Mark 2:1-12.
He brings life, cf. John 5:21.
He raises the dead, cf. John 11:43.
He judges, cf. John 5:22.

In objection to His deity there are several proof texts are offered by opponents of this truth. However upon examination of these texts it soon becomes obvious that instead of opposing the truth of Christ’s deity they actually in some cases lend SUPPORT to it.

1. Colossians 1:15.

Here Christ is described as being the “firstborn of every creature.” The opponents of Christ’s deity claim that this indicates that he was a created being and as’ such therefore could not be God. However the title firstborn is not a reference to His birth but rather to His position. It is telling us that He is pre-eminent. An example of this is found in the case of Ephraim and Manasseh the son’s of Joseph. Manasseh was born first, but the title first born was conferred upon Ephraim, indicating his pre-eminence, cf. Genesis 41:51-52; Jeremiah 31:9.

2. John 14:28.

This text is offered as a proof text against the full deity of Christ because Jesus is recorded as saying, “my father is greater than I.” Opponents of the deity of Christ stress that Jesus is claiming that his Father is a greater person than He is. But he is doing nothing of the sort, for he is co-equal with the Father but willingly subordinate to Him, John Phillips says here, “He could say “My Father is greater than I, not because the Father was any more God than He was, but because, as man, he had assumed a position of dependence on the Father. Jesus had not come to earth to behave as God, though he was God, but to behave as man, because He was man.”

3. Philippians 2:5-8.

These verses are often twisted to suggest that Christ was not God but a close look at them in their context reveals that they are Scriptures that could be quoted in support of the truth of Christ’s deity. “He thought it not robbery to be equal with God,” because he was God.

B. His humanity.

Not only was Christ very God of very God, but also very man of very man. Consider the words of J F Walvoord on this subject, “Though the doctrine of the deity of Christ is generally recognised as the indispensable fundamental of Christology, the doctrine of His true humanity is equally important. On the fact of His humanity depends the reality of His death on the cross, His claim to be Israel’s Messiah, His fulfilment of the promise to David of a descendant to sit on his throne, and His offices of Prophet and Priest. Those who deny the true humanity of Christ, are Just as effective at destroying the Christian faith as those who deny the deity of Christ.” The proof for His humanity is as convincing as that for His deity.

(i) He was born with a human body, cf. Luke 2:52; John 8:40.
(ii) He had a human spirit, cf. Luke 23:46.
(iii) He displayed human characteristics, like hunger, thirst, tiredness, sorrow, He suffered pain, He loved and showed compassion.

He was uniquely God and man at the same time, His two natures were united without mixture, without change, without division and without separation. In His humanity He was sinlessly perfect, cf. Hebrews 7:26. Even His enemies admitted that they could find no fault in Him.
The names by which He was known show both His humanity and deity. The title “Son of God,” was a clear reference to His deity, cf. John 10:36&33 (in that order). Also the title “Lord and God,” which needs no explanation. In regard to his humanity the titles “Son of man” and “son of David” bare testimony that he was a man.


Christ’s position as far as God and man are concerned is summed up in 1 Corinthians 1:3. He is the second person of the Trinity willingly subordinate to the Father. He is the head of the believer and the head of the church. He holds the offices of prophet, priest and king, As a prophet He speaks to men on God’s behalf, as a priest he speaks to God on men’s behalf, and as a King he rules in men’s hearts over a kingdom of grace, and will one day rule in the earth over a kingdom of glory.


There is much that could be said here in relation to the purpose of Christ, we shall however restrict ourselves to four main things.

A. To Redeem.

“The Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Christ came to redeem lost men and women from the bondage of sin. This He accomplished through His atoning work on the cross, there He offered Himself in sacrifice as a ransom for us, cf. Colossians 2:14.

B. To Reign.

Christ will one day return to rule and to reign upon the earth for a thousand years in fulfilment of the prophetic Scriptures. The Church will also reign with Him, cf. Revelation 5:9-10. Great Tribulation martyrs will also reign on earth, cf. Revelation 20:4.

C. To Raise.

When he rose again from the dead He became the pioneer of resurrection ensures our resurrection, cf. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23.

D. To Reward.

Christ will return with reward, every man must be rewarded according to His works. The reward of the unbeliever is death because the “wages of sin is death,” the reward for the believer is crowns, cf. 1 Corinthians 3:8&14; 9:25; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4.

(Theology 1 notes courtesy of Emmanuel Baptist Bible School, Ballyclare, Northern Ireland. Used by permission.)