Things Hereafter – (Chapter 4 onwards)
“HOLD FAST TILL I COME – Revelation 2:25.


4:1 – “What will take place later”. Revealed in chapters 4 to 22, leading up to the Second Coming of Christ, chapters 4 to 18, then the Second Coming in chapter 19, the aftermath, then the Millennial Kingdom, New Jerusalem and New Earth and New Heaven in which will dwell, or remain, righteousness, chapters 21 & 22.

The crucial truth throughout is the Second Coming and the end of Gentile power through the Great Tribulation events. Chapter 4 onwards MUST THEREFORE BE FUTURE. Any other view of interpretation gets lost in a maze of conflicting opinions. Though the Futurist is obviously correct, there is not a strict chronological order. but they are all FUTURE. There are parenthetical chapters of teaching truth, as we shall see as we progress through Revelation.

There are graphic detailed truths dramatically revealed with vivid illustration of events to occur – more than any other book of the Bible. In fact, this book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is obviously a fitting climax to all Biblical Prophecy, relating to human history, properly centred in the Person and the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation of the future opens with a vision of Heaven (chapters 4 & 5), as the scene is transferred from mirth to Heaven (see 4:19). From present to the future; human to Divine.

Revelation 1:19 – “Things you have seen”. The glorified Christ.

Revelation chapters 2 & 3 – “Things that are’. Churches messages.

Revelation 4 onwards – “Things hereafter”, to the end (see 4:1).

Chapters 4 & 5 are an introduction to the tremendous events to come, proving chronological, physical order, with parenthetic exceptions, – not symbolic presentation of moral truth. (Some symbolise Revelation as the battle between good and evil, with the Lord and the Church coming to victory finally). The Futurist view must have emphasis, events must be Future. Chapters 4 & 5 have not happened yet in a literal sense, but will happen, v1.

THIS FOLLOWS THE CHURCH AGE. If the Church and the Holy Spirit are not having their world-wide impact in this future period after the Church Age is complete, i.e. the Church is in Heaven and the Holy Spirit is working again as He did in the Old Testament, then the Great Tribulation must come and therefore be future.

4:2 – John must be in the Spirit to see Heaven, the presence of God. (1:10). John is a representation in type of the true Church taken to Heaven, after the Church Age is complete and before the terrible events of the Great Tribulation come on the earth, even though the book of the Revelation is not primarily occupied with God’s programme for the Church. Instead, the primary objective is to show events leading up to the climax of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ; His Kingdom to come (Millennium) and eventually the Eternal State – New Heaven and New Earth. ‘Church’ as a word does not occur again until though it is implied in chapter 19.

Compare chapter 2:7 etc. with chapter 13:9. No church is mentioned in 13:9. The Church is in Heaven.

4:3 – The Glory of God. Jasper: clear crystal, symbol of purity, perhaps purple royalty.

Sardine. Red for redemption, also red for wrath and anger against sin, Glory and sacrifice. These stones had a relation to tribes of Israel, on the High Priest’s breastplate. Jasper and Sardine were the first and the last of the 12 stones. See Exodus 28:17-21. 1st Reuben, Last – Benjamin suggests inclusion of all other stones; Covenanted Israel. Reuben – means “Behold, a son”. Benjamin means “son of my might hand”. Double meaning, (1) Messiah representing Israel, also (2) Son of God, first begotten (uncreated). Reuben was the first son to Jacob. Benjamin was the last son of Jacob, “son of my right hand” – type of Son of God at the Right Hand of God the Father in Heaven. The Son of God is the Alpha and Omega – the First and the Last. John sees God the Son and High Priest in relation to the nation of Israel. Hosea 3:4-5 & Hebrews 1:1-3. The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:18-20 contain these stones and emerald. Emerald is the stone of Judah. Messiah is from the tribe of Judah and Lion of Judah.

The Father and Spirit seen in chapter 4. The Son: the Lamb seen in chapter 5. Trinity present of course together in Heaven now.

4:4 – Elders are clearly saved people – clothed in white raiment and crowned (gold). Stephanos – the victor’s crown of laurel wreath of victory for winning through! 24 Elders: the True Church and possibly the Old Testament saints with them. Believers in Heaven here before the Great Tribulation comes. See 1st Chronicles 24, 24 rotas of priests by families, representing all priests. Chapter 25, 24 prophets. Maybe the 12 symbolises 12 tribes of Israel as representative of the saved of the Old Testament (examples in Hebrews 11). Maybe the 12 Apostles represents the true Church.

4:5 – Cf. Isaiah 4:4. ‘Righteous judgments”. Law, the Word given at Sinai (Exodus 19:16). The Word judges. The Law condemns. Christ is the Word. The sword goes out of His mouth – the Word judges. Revelation 19:15. SEE JOHN 12:48. Also John 5:22. A fitting preliminary of what is to come in the Great Tribulation. God deals with the earth in righteous retribution.

‘Seven spirits’. The Holy Spirit, chapter 1:4 & chapter 3:1. See Isaiah 11:24. Revelation 5:6.

4:6-8 – ‘Living ones’. (Gk: Zoon). Not beasts.. (Gk: Therion – beast in Revelation 13). ‘Zoon’ -quality of life and suitable attributes to live in God’s presence pronouncing verse 8.

v7LION – King, majestic. CALF-OX – Patient working strength. MAN – Greatest in Creation, in intelligence. EAGLE – Greatest bird, sovereign and supreme in height. All representative of God, unmistakable majestic revelation.

v8 – ‘Full of eyes’- God’s omniscience, Zechariah 3:6-10. See Isaiah 6:2-3. Seraphim: they carry out God’s orders for mercy. Cherubim: they carry out God’s orders for judgment. Genesis 3:24. See Ezekiel 1:4-14 and 10:20. Scene of the Majesty, Purity and Holiness, Eternity of God – Result – Worship – Wor(th)ship, in verse 10.

v11 – See chapter 5:13. He alone is worthy of praise and worship; honour and ‘homage. See Colossians 1:15-19. Hebrews 1:3-12.